Presented by te Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking in partnership with Arizona Legal Women and Youth Services (ALWAYS).
Training Details
Friday, September 18th and Saturday, September 19th
8:30 AM – 5 PM both days
Arizona Summit Law School
Human Trafficking 101 training is FREE and will provide up to 14 hours of CLE credit for participants who attend both full days.
The training will cover sex and labor trafficking of US citizens and Immigrants in areas including Criminal, Civil, Family, Dependency, Delinquency, and Immigration. Topics include criminal victim witness advocacy, conducting civil assessments, relevant federal and state legislation, how to work with children victims, how to issue spot specifically for human trafficking as well as specialized information on Unaccompanied Minors.
This training is an important step to ensure that legal practitioners are detecting trafficking victims through the intake process. We look forward to having you participate in this worthwhile training on human trafficking and modern day slavery.
To check seat availability for this training, please email us.
Please Note: This training is for legal practitioners only.